Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This year is going fast

I can't beleave that its April already and we are still in Hawaii. This is great. We have been Having a great year so far. Busy, we have been trying to keep these three boys busy and also enjoy being here in Hawaii cause we never know when we have to leave. We will be sad to leave and then again happy to be able to see our familys again. I remember when we moved here I really hated it but man this place grows on you. I have grown so much my self and so has my little family. Can you beleave my oldest is now 17 and looking at going in to the Army any day now scary!!! Cameron is now 8 and getting so big ok not that big but he is so smart. Daniel now hes gotten big I cant beleave how fast our babys grow. WHY OH WHY!! We want them to grow and then again we want our babys to be small for ever. I was telling Austin yesterday that he cant leave me. He has been such a blessing to me in my life and I don't want him to move out or anything. That goes for all my boys. Cameron drives me up the wall daily but I could never see my life with out him. Well any ways I'm just going on and on I just haven't been on here for a while oh I almost for got we have a new member to our family her name is Dayzee she is a pug cause those are our favorite kinds of dogs.

Cameron and His BFF his little brother

Austin prom his date is Ashlynn she is his BFF

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

I have to agree. Time sure is zipping by too quickly...I'm in the same boat you are - well almost - with Alex...I can't believe she's graduating next year & has hopes of moving on to college (AHHH!!!) What will I Do? I really like Roonie's hair buzzed. The boys really are growing up!

Daniels first birthday pictures

Daniels first birthday pictures

Cameron Soccor 2008

Cameron Soccor 2008

Austin 08-23-08

Austin 08-23-08